Week#3 – TTP Fall 2015

Week#3 Tasks If you didn’t already do so, create an account at Quizlet.com. You can use your gmail address if desired. Join the BUFS TTP Quizlet Class.  Go to the Fall 2015 Group Quizlet and edit the quizlet to add words from any of your TTP courses. You can create your own Quizlet by clicking ‘create a set‘ and choose … Read more

Week#1 – TTP Fall 2015

The goal of the first two weeks is to get oriented to the course, acquainted with each other, and get set up with some of the accounts and tools we’ll be using (and to grab your first plate of goodies from the buffet). Week#1 Tasks: Go to gmail.com and Create a gmail account if you don’t already have one. (this ID … Read more

CALL – Fall 2015

Computer Assisted Language Learning Busan University of  Foreign Studies TESOL Grad &  Teacher Training Program a COOL Course  (Collaborative Open Online Learning) Week#1 & 2   Week#3  Week#4  Week#5  Week#6  Week#7  Week#8  Week#9  Group Notes    Quizlet Group Site: BUFSTTP2015.blogspot.kr Tools * Websites *  Skills Training * Readings LearningCall Diigo Group LearningCall Google Community —————————— TTP in Brisbane Guide Photo Slideshows PhotoPeach     … Read more

CALL – Spring 2015

Computer Assisted Language Learning Busan University of  Foreign Studies TESOL Grad &  Teacher Training Program a COOL Course  (Collaborative Open Online Learning) TES531  Syllabus   Band  Week#1   Week#2   Week#3   Week#4   Week#5   Week#6   Week#7  Weeks 9~11  Week#12~15  Final Challenge  TTP  TTP Blog  Group Notes  Class Quizlet  Week#1   Week#2  Week#3  Week#4   Week#5   Week#6   Week#7  Week#8&9 Tools * Websites *  Skills Training * Readings LearningCall Diigo … Read more

TES531 Final Challenge (Spring 2015)

The finish line is in sight! Many of you have completed your ‘CALL-in-action’ tasks and readings and so all that’s left is the ‘Final Challenge’ for this course. I would like you to produce a screencast or series of screencasts for one of the scenarios described below. I have scheduled a final TES531 Hangout for … Read more

TES531 Weeks #12~15: CALL-in-Action + Readings

Part#1 Materials Development The goal is to have you ‘dig deeper’ into the areas of CALL you find most interesting and put them to use in the ‘real’ world (now and in the future) by working on specific projects. Task: Create at least three blog posts that describe and demonstrate specific ways that you might … Read more

TTP Spring 2015: The Rest of Session 2

Main Task (Weeks#10~14)    Imagine it is now September of 2015….Congratulations!  You have been selected as teacher trainer by the Busan Office of Education! (Of course, you will be compensated quite well.)They are aware that you have completed the highly regarded BUFS TTP and would like to see a demonstration of how you might use CALL … Read more

TTP Week#8/9 – Social Networking + Odds & Ends

Part#2 Social Networking Take a look at the Social Networking Guide and watch the Social Networking Screencast. Explore some of the ELT groups and communities on Google+, Facebook, Diigo, LinkedIn, and elsewhere . Join ones of interest, bookmark them with Diigo, and/or create a blog post about any interesting discoveries. If you’re feeling ambitions, join twitter, … Read more