Week#4 Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends Side TTP Blogroll  (adding gadgets) Archive.org (Wayback Machine) LyricsTraining.com (Make your own – ‘New Exercise’)  (remove ads with Adblock) FreeESLMaterials.com Website Mega-buffetVideo Playlists TTP  MegaPlaylist    Elementary MegaPlaylist      Secondary Megaplaylist PopSongs for ELT (click +add icon) Photo Albums Whole Group Elementary Secondary Audio Guide Audacity & Audio Recording/Editing Audacity – a free, cross-platform, … Read more

Week #3 Buffet

Follow-up from last week– Quizlet Folder – Korea friendly alternative – Classcard.net  (video tutorial) Creating Blog Posts   – Theme Selection – Compose vs. HTML – Photo Options  Embedding… – YouTube Videos – Ted Talks – Quizlet – Google Presentation – Slideshare Youtube Tips & Playlists – Playlists – Download videos/audio From the Site Building Guide … Read more

Quiz Tools, Part#1

Kahoot Create Kahoots at GetKahoot.com , Play at Kahoot.it Videos: Tutorial  Global Classroom Trivia   Search Quizizz  (advantages vs. Kahoot) Resources & Tutorials To Play, go to Join.quizizz.com  and get the access code Admin Links Olympics   286877 Logos: 441397 Comparisons & Superlatives Phrasal Verbs Plickers Guide:   Video Tutorial Plicker Cards Demo Admin Link Quizlet Quizlet.com Guide and Video Tutorial  Video Guide#2 … Read more

Spring 2019: Weeks #1 & 2 – Course Overview and Setup

End of Week#2 Tasks Preparing for Mini-presentation#1 Update Brainstorm Docs:   Elementary       Secondary Make a Copy Mini-presentation Overview Form Prepare TILL Tasks (Week 1 & 2) Create a Blogger Blog, post something Create a Quizlet Account and your own Quizlet with the title ‘My Name TTP Vocab’ Create a Diigo Account (you’ll need to … Read more

Week#21 – Productive Distractions

Vocab Sites VocabAhead.com Vocabtest.com Playknoword.com FreeRice.com TOEIC Speaking Practice Podcasts of Potential Interest Relationships Love Me Single Because: True Stories of Love, Dating and Other Misadventures Modern Love The Dating Advice Girl Dates With Kate The Psychology of Attractiveness Confessions of a Terrible Husband Stronger Marriages: The Anatomy of Marriage Podcast Dating Den List of … Read more

Session#3 TILL To Do List

During Session#3 TILL time, please work on one or more of the following.  There will be exhibition of your work at the end of the session. Build Your course website   Make teaching screencasts   Add to your digital portfolio Create a blog post this week that outlines your TILL plans for the remainder of … Read more

Building a Teaching Website

The main project for the remainder of  TTP2018 is for each trainee to build their own teaching website.  This can be for a particular class or for your teaching resources in general.  This week we are going to check out some of the options for hosting your site (and continue revisiting the buffet). Course Website … Read more

Revisiting the TILL Buffet

Trainees will soon begin building their own course websites and creating digital portfolios containing materials to be used in their future teaching.  Before doing so, let’s take another look at the buffet of TILL Tools and Resources. Look through this list and spend a couple hours getting familiar with items of most interest.  Post a … Read more

Screencasting Guide

Install Debut (free version here)Video Pad Editor (free version here) Use it to record a one minute screencast video that includes computer sounds, voice narration, and on screen annotation (pointer, drawing, etc). Narration can be in English and/or Korean.   Upload the video to your Google Drive or (unlisted) to Youtube and post on your.blog or share it with just your … Read more

Popplet Practice

First, make sure Popplet will work on your computer. If you go to http://popplet.com and the page loads, you’re all set. If not, we’ll need to enable Flash for that site.  To do so, in Chrome go to Settings/ Content Settings Click on ‘Flash’ Click Add/ and enter http://popplet.com OK, Time to play! Go to … Read more