Using Team Viewer for Screen Mirroring

Download Team Viewer for your Computer here: Install the program onto your computer. Phone Apps: There are several Team Viewer apps.  The show your phone screen a computer, you will need to install Team Viewer Remote Control:  Android   AppleandTeam Viewer Quick Support:   Android   Apple To start mirroring your phone screen, start the QuickSupport app and … Read more

Digital Storytelling & Reading Resources

There are an ever-growing number of online tools and resources related to reading material and digital storytelling.  This week, your task is to check out and experiment with some of these.  Remember to Diigo anything you find potentially useful. For comprehensive lists of resources, check out the   Digital Storytelling Guide  and   Reading Resources —-Abridged Lists— Storybuilding Tools … Read more

Social Networking

Social Networking Take a look at the Social Networking Guide and watch the Social Networking Screencast. Explore some of the ELT groups and communities on Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Diigo, LinkedIn, and elsewhere . Add additional communities and or accounts to the TILL Group Notes.  Join ones of interest, bookmark them with Diigo, and/or create a blog post about … Read more

Week#12: Feed Us! & Blog Tweaks

Feed Us with Feedly! TTP2018 opml file Using an RSS Reader like to subscribe to sites you like. We will do this in class together, but if you have any additional questions, you can watch the screencast below.  In order to get things set up, you will need to download the TTP2018 opml file Step#1: … Read more

Week#11 – Digitizing the Overseas Experience

This week in TILL, why not continue the overseas documentation, eh? Please… Add useful vocabulary your learned in Canada to the Overseas Quizlet (password: timhorton)  Add locations of interest to the TTP2018 Google Map  Add photos that would be helpful to future trainees (related to logistics, classroom environment, etc.) to theTTP 2018 Overseas Albums (Elementary   Secondary) or … Read more

Week#5 – Mapping Tools, Graphic Organizers & Mindmaps

Topic#1: Mapping ToolsAs seen in the ‘TTP2018 in Canada, eh? Map‘. To Do:  Check out Mapping Tools Guide for information on how to use maps.  Create your own Google Map or choose one from the Map Gallery and embed it on your blog. Topic #2: Graphic Organizers,  Mindmaps,  Screencast Guide Here Take a look at the guides for Graphic Organizers and Mind … Read more

Week#4 – Audio Sites & Tools

This week we are exploring the world of audio – sites that provide listening practice, tools that let us create and edit audio, and ways we can use it for ELT. Things to do/try  Explore the audio-related sites listed in the Audio Guide.  Use Diigo to bookmark at least three interesting sites (from there or other sources). These … Read more

Week#3 – Presentations & Video

End of the Week Goals – Quizlet Vocab with at least 30 words– post a slideshare or Google presentation on your blog– add at least one video you use in your teaching to the Elementary or Secondary YouTube playlist– post at least one video or playlist on your blog. Go to the Presentations Guide. Watch the … Read more

Welcome to TILL 2018

Technology Integrated Language Learning Busan University of  Foreign Studies TESOL Grad &  Teacher Training Program a COOL Course  (Collaborative Open Online Learning) Group Site: Tools * Websites *  Skills Training * Readings Week#1 & 2   Week#3  Week#4   Week#5     SESSION#1 GROUP NOTES:   Green   Blue   Red   BANDS:     Whole TTP     Elementary    Secondary Quizlet Classes:  BUFS TTP    TTP2018 TTP Kitchen LearningCall Diigo Group    … Read more

Spring 2018: Weeks #1 & 2 – Course Overview and Setup

Week#1, Hour#3 Goals 1) Make sure you have added these folders to your Google Drive: TTP2018 Course Materials TTP2018 Teaching Demonstrations Your TTP Journals Your TTP Writings  2) Make a copy of the  Mini-presentation Overview Form and add it to your Teaching Demonstration Folder. 3) Go to the Websites page and explore some of the TILL related websites.  Use Diigo to … Read more