Week#6 – Google Forms, Word Clouds, Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends Writings folders Random.org Google Forms Guide   General Screencast  Quiz Screencast Save as Doc Chrome Addon TTP Session#1 Feedback Form(please leave feedback this week) TTP Demo Quiz Word Clouds Tagul  (Wordle Screencast)  Site Building Tools More Text-to-Speech Options ( Screen Readers ) Amazon Polly  Read & Write for Google Chrome  Speakit: Chrome Extension  Voice Instead … Read more

Week#5 – Video Sites & Tools

ODDS & ENDS Make sure to move and/or upload any mini-presentation materials to your Teaching Demonstration folder. More Text-to-Speech Options Amazon Polly Read & Write for Google Chrome GrammarBytes Gaps (for Jinju) Word CloudsTagul  (Wordle Screencast)  Site Building Tools TTP Projects Song Index Doc     Spreadsheet    Form Scene Index Video Playlists (commercials, action scenes for writing, … Read more

Week#4 – Audio Resources & Tools

Explore the Audio Guide You can see a list of sites that use audio for language learning purposes along with a variety of audio tools, resources, and podcasts.  Things to do/try Play with speech recognition. Google Doc Speech Recognition Add-on Google Translate   Web      Android    Apple  Minimal Pairs  PufsPronunciation.blogspot.com The Sounds of American English   Explore the audio-related sites listed … Read more

Week#3: Presentations, Site-building Odds & Ends

Hour#1 Please go to the Presentations Guide. Watch the video Check the links of interest Find a Slideshare presentation of interest and post it on your blog.  Create a basic Google Presentation and post it on your blog.  Hours#2&3 Course Materials (Google Drive folders) Writing Folders Elementary Secondary Account Info Doc no protected When to Diigo, when … Read more

TTP Spring 2016

Computer Assisted Language Learning Busan University of  Foreign Studies TESOL Grad &  Teacher Training Program a COOL Course  (Collaborative Open Online Learning) Week#1 & 2   Week#3  Week#4  Week#5  Week#6  Week#7  Week#8  Week#9  Week#10  Week#11  Task Teams  Odds & Ends Group Notes   Class 1  Class 2    Quizlet    Class 1  Class 2 Bands: Class 1  Class 2  Whole TTP Group Site: TTP2016.blogspot.kr TTP in Brisbane Guide … Read more

Week#14 & 15 Odds & Ends

Game Apps Charades  Android  Apple  Heads-up  Android  Apple  Ebook Management Calibre IceCream EReader Ebook Reader Apps FBReader Aldiko Ebook Creators Google Docs – Download as epub Kotobee Writer2Epub Cool Projects TheGlobalReadAloud.com Englishdream.co.kr  from Na Jin (former TTP Trainee) Ebooks Lonely Planet Australia Discover Australia

CALL Task Teams

For the next few weeks, we will work together to produce CALL-related materials for use in your teaching. In groups, discuss what type of materials would be most useful. Make a list of specific materials you’d like to produce.  Post that list on your blog and start creating!Possible Creations YouTube Playlists  (e.g. Class Starter Videos, … Read more

Week#11 – Social Networking & Another Lap Around the Buffet

Social Networking Take a look at the Social Networking Guide and watch the Social Networking Screencast. Explore some of the ELT groups and communities on Google+, Facebook, Diigo, LinkedIn, and elsewhere . Join ones of interest, bookmark them with Diigo, and/or create a blog post about any interesting discoveries. If you’re feeling ambitions, join twitter, find some people to … Read more